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DREAMORPHOSING is the photography event merging Cunene‘s photography and retouching skills and Grimilde Malatesta’s costumes and styling, combining dream-worthy unique costumes and oniric imagery.

How does it work?

Once in a while, me and Grimilde decide that we want to meet and produce art.
Once in a while, we decide to open the doors of this process to the public, and allow YOU to be the subject of the art we’re going to create. We pick a date, we pick a theme.
You reserve your time slot, and we’ll email you with a few questions to allow us to understand what dress and styling would work best for the concept.

Contact us at dreamorphosing@gmail.com

Updates will follow here. Slots go away fast, so, to be the first to know about everything, make sure to subscribe to the form above.

Previous editions:

*****Backstage: FAIRYTELLING edition 8-9-10th of December 2023*****

*****Backstage: FAIRYTELLING edition 15th-16th of April 2023*****

Fairytelling edition's portraits

*****Backstage: GOTHICARIUM edition 9th-10th-11th of December 2022*****

Gothicarium edition's portraits

*****Backstage: TAROCCHI edition - 26-27th of March 2022*****

Tarocchi edition's portraits

*****Backstage: La Fabbrica dei sogni - 2nd of October 2021*****

Portraits: La Fabbrica dei sogni

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